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  • »l-type intermediate proofing machine »compatible with all machines operating principle »34 hanger - bidirectional »left or right to modify pulp output top dough with the development of »non-stick gauze large under the machine »covers and stainless entire body- including »all disassembled skeleton »machine movement haruna - standard fan + uv light uv ligths air flow + + uva ventild is lamparas - optional smart speed controller + plc + plc plc variad air + - optional optional opcional materials

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»l-type intermediate proofing machine »compatible with all machines operating principle »34 hanger - bidirectional »left or right to modify pulp output top dough with the development of »non-stick gauze large under the machine »covers and stainless entire body- including »all disassembled skeleton »machine movement haruna - standard fan + uv light uv ligths air flow + + uva ventild is lamparas - optional smart speed controller + plc + plc plc variad air + - optional optional opcional materials - Imports eksports

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