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    STORY BEHIND A brand-new hair recovery method was discovered through long-term studies of hair structure and features. This method is based on the innovative «Sea Oil Silk» technology, which combines nourishing oils, algae extracts, and Dead Sea minerals. The new technology procedures resulted in the recovery of lost hair beauty, bringing flossy brightness, softness, and elasticity. This is the origin of the Hadat Cosmetics brand, which expanded the horizons in the field of professional hair cosmetics. Sea Oil Silk - TECHNOLOGY Argan Oil, Macadamia Oil, Seaweed extract, Hydrolyzed keratin, Hydrolyzed collagen. All Hadat Cosmetics products are based on the «Sea Oil Silk» technology, being the balanced combination of Dead Sea minerals, algae extract, and nourishing oils joined at the molecular level. High product efficiency assists the composition in processing all hair zones, manifesting quick onset. STYLE AND PHILOSOPHY What makes Hadat Cosmetics an exceptional brand in its segment? The perfect balance of cosmetics' functionality and efficient, high-quality outcomes. The line includes cosmetics for salon procedures and subsequent home-based hair care. Presently, professionals and newcomers in the field of hair care cosmetics do not have to allocate plenty of time to study the product and its proper application. Hadat Cosmetics presents a unique, simple line that is easy to use and ensures maximum results, improving hair quality and restoring its natural beauty & strength.



    Zobārstniecības centrs Brīvības ielā 103 strādā augsti kvalificēti, pieredzējuši speciālisti, te uzstādītas vienas no modernākajām zobārstniecības iekārtām. Pacientam tiek sniegts pilns pakalpojumu klāsts zobu, žokļu un mutes dobuma profilaksē un ārstēšanā. Mūsu pacientiem piedāvājam profesionālo higiēnu, zobu balināšanu, plombēšanu un restaurāciju, sakņu kanālu ārstēšanu, mutes dobuma ambulatoro ķirurģiju, tajā skaitā – periodontītu ķirurģiskās ārstēšanas metodes un implantāciju. Īpaša uzmanība tiek pievērsta speciālai ortodontiskai programmai (sakodiena labošana). Šī programma ir efektīva ne tikai jaunajai paaudzei, bet arī pieaugušajiem. Kopā ar mums ciešā sadarbībā strādā zobtehniskā laboratorija. Tas dod iespēju savlaicīgi un kvalitatīvi izgatavot jebkura veida zobu protēzes mūsu pacientiem.Savā darbā mēs cenšamies savienot individuālu pieeju katram pacientam ar augsta līmeņa stomatoloģisko tehnoloģiju.